Title: Monster Jam: Steel Titans Developed by Rainbow Studios Publisher: THQ Nordic Genre: Racing, Sports, Simulation Release Date: June 25th, 2019 (PC, Xbox One, PS4) Review Code Provided?: Yes! Platform Reviewed: PS4 Date Reviewed: June 24th, 2019 Game Prices: (Standard $40), (Collectors Edition $80) Around the time of August 22 2018, THQ Nordic announced a new multi-year deal with FLED Entertainment and a multi-platform agreement where the developers Rainbow Studios was developing this new title. Around the year of 2019, the title of the new title was revealed being known as "Monster Jam: Steel Titans" and set to release around the summer. Then through 2019, they showed screenshots, then somewhere it revealed the title on February 22nd 2019 with an in-game screenshot, a trailer, a website, as well as the release date set for June 25, 2019. With the long wait, the time has finally arrived. Let's talk about it, shall we? The Goods and What does it have?So far on the game, it seems to have all the trucks, stunts, stadiums and even racing! That's something to jump into while at it let's talk about the modes. Freestyle mode is something where you can show off your tricks and many things but can be a challenge depending on which course you are in. It also has an open-world type of mode where you can explore and do stuff called "Monster Jam University" MJU for short to help you learn the basics in the game also, Head2Head, Waypoint and Time Destruction is an option too. Now with all seriousness, the game so far delivers a niche experience as of 2010 is the last tile for the series named "Path of Destruction" published by Activision even though Steel Titans offering very high-quality gameplay experience. Also though most of the time, a developer's aim doesn't become the real deal. With the collections you get for each of the 30 monster trucks you get as they can become used for its own separate upgrades like Top Speed, Acceleration and Traction. Even though they all have seemed to be the same speed on each one but sadly they aren't transferrable which would mean you have to upgrade a new truck from scratch which is little stressful but nonetheless through the game it's time they worked hard to make something beyond the gameplay quality though. Head to Head which they call (Head2Head) in the game can be entertaining for some and is better than the racing but don't get me wrong as if I was bored I would do the racing here and there even though you can tell the game is very full-fledged into Arcade and Simulation Racing. There are plenty of races to choose from, and Career Mode has tried to be in a well-shaped manner but felt that it was little rushed by only taking 5 to 6 hours finishing it. Controls feel fine and dandy but can become stiff after a while. Now let's talk about some of the things I may not have liked The Bad and VerdictNow so far, my issues were that the game had no online multiplayer as I mean seriously? We could've had a more fun competition in races, head to head and the open world with friends even though I understand the Local Co-Op being the only choice but it could be better.
Sometimes the game would crash and maybe even make your Truck go flying to perhaps even being stuck on a certain angle or hills. It's kinda irritating to sometimes restart or whatnot, the difficulty can also be unforgiving at some points. Be cool to have your own vehicle but have to switch with presets and the option of customizing the mods and vehicle skins, and sometimes the Physics can be very bad. Be warned at a random point the sounds can maybe even glitch out and that's not good, as I hope it gets patched and Even though I may not have a lot to say upon the game, it was still an enjoyable title of the series, but some could ask to speak on themselves "should I spend my money on it?" I mean sure if you want to have some fun with family or friends that are into this but otherwise maybe but depends on what you want to do. VERDICT: So far they really tried there best, and I will accept it but time is a virtue when they will fix the title, but you got me I guess. "The Monster Jam series was in a rough spot, but this one isn't perfect or laughable but still managed to be fun all the way." 7.5/10.
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